
Location: George Town, Penang, Malaysia

My family, my World. I live on photographs and memories. A hopeless romantic but a cynic in more ways than one.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Hence the old books and photographs...

Taking flght
Originally uploaded by toulouseboy.
I haven’t updated in awhile. Maybe because I didn’t feel the urge to. It always starts with something. Something indefinable that triggers my all my mixed up emotions. And when I get emotional, I have to have an outlet. In the case of having a not-so-anonymous blog, I tend to splurt out my emotions in a cryptic, make-your-own-assumptions kinda way. Feelings I’ll never truly understand myself. Feelings if revealed might wound those I truly care about. Why risk the happiness of others just to satisfy my curiosity? My yearnings? Not worth the impending heartache that will definitely bite me in the ass.
But still, a girl is always free to dream. Dream of a love that can defeat time and dimensions. Of a perfect place where love is never painful. Free to entertain the spiritual notion of a love that has endured centuries and centuries. And.. what else.. argh.. I can go on forever but that would leave me bare naked for all the hateful cynics to slowly devour. Then again, it’s not like anyone gives a fat-frog’s-ass about my blog. (:
In the meantime, talking to a confidant just won’t help curb my emotional meanderings anymore. So I’d just have to settle for this. It’s more romantic like this anyway. (: